For individuals that have experienced a recent sprain, strain, tear, or other acute injury, Sitrin's Orthopedic Injury Clinic focuses on fast, functional recovery by pairing individuals with musculoskeletal specialists, including Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Alfred Moretz, as well as doctors of physical therapy Dr. James Wallace and Dr. Shawna Marmet. In the clinic, a person with an injury will be seen right away to receive an accurate diagnosis, set expectations for recovery, and begin the healing process with a supportive and specialized care team.
Once a person has been injured, the team will facilitate a session with Moretz, who will perform an ultrasound and consult with the individual to provide a precise, immediate diagnosis. Moretz will then review the specifics of the injury and work with the individual to establish a treatment plan specific to the injury.
"People need to recognize if their injury is mild, moderate, or severe," says Moretz. "Without knowing these things first, an individual will not know what it will take to properly recover, and can possibly end up doing more damage."
Sitrin emphasizes that the clinic is a form of non-urgent, urgent care. People can sidestep a trip to the emergency room and not have to wait to get a referral from their primary physician to see an injury specialist. They will be able to speak one-on-one with a dedicated orthopedic specialist in a comfortable setting, where they can set recovery goals, and then consult with a physical therapist to initiate rehabilitation right away.
"People want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, heal faster, and spend less to get more care," says Wallace. "The goal of the clinic is to empower individuals to take ahold of their injury and to recover better, faster, and stronger, eliminate undue costs, and make more informed decisions regarding surgical needs."
Sitrin's Orthopedic Injury Clinic is open on Tuesdays between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. at the Sitrin Health Care Center in New Hartford. Individuals can call (315) 737-2246 for more information or to schedule an appointment.