April 28, 2020
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
- Am I still allowed to sit outside of my loved one’s window to visit?
If you want to come and visit with your loved one outside of their window, we are not stopping families from doing so. However, we are asking that the screens in the windows are NOT removed and that there is no physical touching with your loved one. In addition, we are requesting that you respect the privacy of our other residents residing on this campus and that there is minimal to no disruption to them during your visit. - Can I visit my loved one if they are at end of life?
Yes, you will be contacted by someone at the facility that you can visit once it has been determined by our physician that your loved one is at end of life. Visits will be limited to two family members at a time. In addition, family needs to report to the Community Center on campus FIRST, and will be screened by a staff member, including taking the visitor’s temperature. Anyone who is ill, has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or has a temperature over 100.0 degrees will not be permitted to visit. In addition, facemasks will be provided and must be worn at all times while visiting, and visits will be limited to the resident’s room ONLY. - Whom may I call at the facility to see how my loved one is doing?
You may call either the specific unit or house in which your loved one resides, if you know the number. Otherwise, you can contact us via the main number which is 315-797-3114 and speak to the receptionist who will direct you to either the Unit Manager or Charge Nurse of that particular unit or house. Please note that due to HIPAA regulations, Sitrin staff will only release information to the resident’s/patient’s Health Care Proxy, or if there isn’t one, to the first contact person listed. - If someone tests positive for COVID-19 at Sitrin, what precautions are you taking to prevent my loved one from becoming infected?
As stated in the letter that was sent to families last week outlining what we have been doing to prepare for COVID-19 positive patients, we have been following strict infection control guidelines as instructed by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the New York State Department of Health. Any resident who tests positive for COVID-19 is placed on (or relocated to) the isolated COVID-19 hallway on our rehab unit in the main building. We have designated staff providing care to these individuals. These staff members are equipped with proper PPE (personal protective equipment) including N95 masks, gloves, isolation gowns, booties, face shields/goggles, and specific scrubs. In addition, we are monitoring every resident/patient on every shift for signs and/or symptoms of COVID-19. This includes taking their temperature. Although we are taking every precaution necessary to maintain the safety of all of our residents, patients, and employees, it is impossible to mitigate every possible source of the infection. - Do you have enough PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Yes, we currently have a supply of PPE. As stated above, we have N95 masks, surgical masks, gloves, isolation gowns, booties, face shields/goggles, scrubs for staff, hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. As the media has broadcasted, some supplies are becoming difficult to obtain; however, we are in daily contact with our vendors, suppliers, and resources to assure that we are replenishing and maintaining our supply. All employees are wearing facemasks. In addition, we have provided cloth facemasks for all of our residents. - How long will the visiting hour restriction be in place?
At this time, we do not know as this is controlled by both the Federal and State government. Based on the President’s plan for reopening the economy, it appears as if hospital and nursing home visitation will be permitted during Phase 3. Unfortunately, we do not know what the anticipated timeframe is for Phase 3. As soon as we get the directive that we can reopen to visitation, you will be notified. - Can I mail packages to my loved one at Sitrin?
Yes, if you want to mail packages via the US mail or Fed Ex to your loved one at Sitrin, you are permitted to do so. We just ask that you do not come to the campus to drop anything off. - I usually wash my loved one’s clothing; since I am no longer permitted to do that, who is washing it?
If the resident resides in the long term care houses, the laundry is being done by the nursing staff in the house. If the resident/patient resides on the neuro or rehab unit in the main building, the laundry aide is washing their laundry. - If I continue to have questions, should I continue to use the inquiry form?
Yes, please continue to use email to ask us questions. We will continue to update our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. - How do I go about recognizing and thanking staff for taking care of my loved one during this pandemic?
If you would like to specifically recognize any of our staff for their care, feel free to use the website above to do so. We publish a quarterly internal employee “Kudos” newsletter which recognizes our employees for extraordinary care; we would be happy to include your comments in that publication.