COVID-19 Updates (August 11, 2020)
Please note that as we receive new admissions from the hospital, we are swabbing them for COVID-19 as a precautionary measure. As a result of this, we received notification today that a new patient on our rehab unit tested positive for COVID-19. This patient was tested at the hospital before they left and tested negative at that time. This patient is currently residing on the COVID wing. Unfortunately, based on the visitation restrictions that are being imposed on us by the New York State Department of Health, this positive case has now delayed our opening for visitation for an additional 28 days.
As I stated in last week’s email, I am working on the visitation plan for when we reopen. I know all of you are anxious and I will get that plan out to everyone as soon as it is finalized. It is very involved and will include a great deal of monitoring to assure that we are in compliance with Department of Health’s directives.
In the meantime, we will begin to allow drop-offs to residents/patients again. My goal is to implement this starting next week. I will reach back out with another email later this week with the guidelines that will need to be followed.
Any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us here.
Thank you.
Brenda Cobane
VP of Long Term Care Services