In conjunction with Utica Comets' staff members, Sitrin Health Care Center has created two new commercials showcasing Sitrin's unique therapy services. The commercials star members of the Utica Comets' dance team, the Sitrin Comettes, and also feature athletes of Sitrin's STARS (Success Through Adaptive Sports & Recreation) program, including Kevin Burnside, Hermin Garic, Jason Robinson, and Jimmy "Jam" Joseph.
The first commercial features the Sitrin Comettes dancers visiting an "ill" Audie as he spends some time inside a private room within Sitrin's inpatient medical rehabilitation facility. Before showering Audie with balloons and flowers, the girls stop by the outpatient wellness gym to assist one of the Comets' green guys in weight lifting. Watch the commercial on Sitrin's YouTube page.
In the second commercial, the green guys instruct swimming movements in Sitrin's heated aquatic therapy pools. Members of the Comettes dance team accompany Sitrin STARS athlete and Paralympian, Jimmy "Jam" Joseph, as they perform some synchronized swimming. Watch the commercial on Sitrin's YouTube page.
Community members can also catch the commercials during all Utica Comets' home games at the Adirondack Bank Center at the Utica Memorial Auditorium.